Paypal address: | Windrose Armoury has been professionally producing high quality armour since 1990. Whether for show or the SCA field of combat, our products are built with an eye for historically accurate appearance combined with proper fit and function. Our event schedule each year includes Estrella War, Gulf Wars, Potrero War, Lilies War, Pennsic, and Great Western War. Our staff looks forward to seeing you there. email:
About the Windrose Armoury crew:
John Van Hassel, known in the Society for Creative Anachronism as Sir Johannes von Brueckenheim, began his armouring career while serving with the US Army in Germany, spending his occasional free weekends traveling and visiting museums while teaching himself the basic skills of his craft. He received his Bachelor Degree in History from Northern Arizona University in 1995, and has continued to study the styles and techniques of medieval armour construction. Residing in Tempe, AZ since 1993, John has also continued to pursue the medievally inspired martial art practiced by the SCA, receiving the Accolade of Knighthood for his skills in 1996. In 1997 he was awarded the Order of the Laurel, the highest acclaim within the organization for achievement in the arts. His current interests are rooted in the late 14th Century and American muscle cars (not at the same time). | |
Anita Van Hassel, known in the SCA as Baroness Serena Rouen, has been an integral part of Windrose Armoury from its inception. Long responsible for many of the bookkeeping tasks and day to day operation, she has also come to contribute many fine pewter dress accessories and has designed our new line of 14th Century Jupons based on those of the Black Prince and illustrations from the Hunting book of Gaston Phoebus. She was awarded the Order of the Laurel in 2000. | |
In Memorium
Barry Bard.